Setlementti Varppi

Rehabilitative work activities

Rehabilitative work activities are intended for long-term unemployed people who receive labour market subsidy or social assistance, and who are not yet ready or able to take part in the primary TE-services due to their work and functional ability.

Rehabilitative work activities provided by Vaasan Setlementti direct towards employment and education. It consists of work activity assignments arranged for the client, the guidance of these assignments and guidance in working life skills.

The goal is to support the clients, improve their employment opportunities and discover continuation paths through work activities and versatile guidance.

Work and group activities are executed in small groups. Individual guidance is also provided. Varppi offers a variety of content in the work activity groups, such as Kitchen (Gastro), Cleaning (ParKo) and Property maintenance/renovation (ReKi). The service also contains individual and group guidance with different themes: mind (Vire), matters and tasks of everyday life (Feria) and job search (Jopi).

When the rehabilition moves forward, it is possible to consider that the work assignments of rehabilitative work activities are partially executed in other units of Setlementti if it supports the client´s rehabilition and goal-setting progress.

Welcome to info, every Friday at 10, Sepänkyläntie 4 (4th floor), Vaasa.

You can sign up for the info in advance by sending an email to Sirpa Koivula,, but you can also attend the info without signing up. During the info we will introduce the activities and facilities of Varppi. The info also includes free discussion and the opportunity to plan further actions.

Contact information:

Sepänkyläntie 4 (4th floor), 65100 Vaasa.

Contact person: Responsible instructor Sirpa Koivula, 040 678 3251.